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The commonsense view of cheating is wrong. It is not always a shameful and secretive experience. Sometimes, it’s a brazen if not downright defiant affair. Today, I’m reviewing Edu Birdie so, the case in point is – you’ve guessed it – Edu goddamned Birdie. Surely, the company posits itself as an essay writing service, but let’s not kid ourselves: engages in the industrial-grade cheating assistance. It is unclear exactly how many students buy papers at Edu Birdie, but the avalanche of bad review left by Reddit and Yahoo users suggests that the numbers are staggering. “What is up with the bad online rap?” you might ask. And the answer is simple. A year ago, the company boosted its popularity with a scandalous marketing campaign. Specifically, the agency paid YouTube stars for the promotion of its website. In-your-face ads had been noticed by BBC journos with tons of free time who covered the story. One could look past the underhanded marketing if the quality of sold papers was decent. Unfortunately, real customer reviews (not fake testimonials doubtlessly posted by the company’s writers) suggest otherwise.

I’m not here to pontificate about the importance of academic integrity, ethical conduct, yada, yada, yada. What I want is to review the quality of EduBirdie’s services. My hope is to stop debt-laden students from wasting their money on substandard papers.

edu birdie service


How Much Does EduBirdie Cost?

Let’s kick things off with prices review. How much do you pay on EduBirdie com? The curious thing is that the company doesn’t want you to know. EduBirdie price of avg essay is nowhere to be seen on the website. To get insight into the company’s pricing options, one has to place an order, which is a neat way of luring the unsuspecting customers in. Then, the company’s bidding system kicks in. Several writers bid on my paper. One decided to charge as much as $155.10 for a 4-page capstone paper. The help of other available writers was cheaper than that of the first one – $97.90, $110, $105.60, $111.10, and $99. I opted for the most reasonable offer – $97.90 – which was still prohibitively expensive. $24.5 per page of writing does not seem like a price that can be afforded by an average student. Clearly, EduBirdie is a ritzy service for trust-fund babies. There is no surprise, then, that the company has enough capital for costly YouTube promotion. It gets its money back by overcharging students. If you are planning on using the company’s services, look for discount codes or coupon to get a better deal. Also, before making a payment, familiarize yourself with EduBirdie refund policy.

According to the company’s Terms of Use, “Once the entire agreed sum is received by the Writer, it is deemed that the work is complete and is to your satisfaction; therefore, no refund will be possible.” In plain English, it means that you won’t have any luck trying to get your money back.

edu birdie price


Are EduBirdie Papers Any Good?

No, they are not. Turns out that EduBirdie is better at marketing its services than at rendering them. The paper on the Southern economy of the Antebellum era I ordered there does not stand up even to cursory scrutiny. Although the writer correctly identified slavery as the chief driver of the economic revival of the region, they failed to mention the invention of the cotton gin – the device that revolutionized cotton production. Furthermore, discussion of the 19th-century Industrial revolution in Great Britain (main consumer of the US cotton) was notably absent in the paper.

The problem of insufficient research was compounded by several minor grammar mistakes. Neither former nor latter is acceptable given that I paid almost $100 for the short paper.

Is EduBirdie Legit?

How can I trust a website that has been discredited countless times on Reddit, Yahoo, and Quora? This dilemma is weighing on the minds of those who are familiar with the writing agency. For fairness’ sake, it should be stated that massive criticism disseminated by social media users can be nothing more than fake reviews left by the company’s competitors. After all, the famous YouTubers ad campaign was at the very least… ehm, controversial, but it wasn’t illegal. EduBirdie com did nothing similar companies wouldn’t do. Unfortunately, the brazen campaign attracted more than customers. Authorities also turned their gaze to Edu Birdie and its activities. In total, it wouldn’t be fair to call EduBirdie scam, but its recent public relations debacles should alert cautious students.


EduBirdie Cheating Risks

Can professors know you’ve been ordering papers from EduBirdie com? It doesn’t seem to be the case. The piece I got had no traces of plagiarism, which means that it wouldn’t be flagged by Turnitin. I am not sure, however, how good the service is at preserving the customer’s privacy. The recent YouTube fiasco makes one question: Is EduBirdie safe? It is reasonable to assume that if Edu Birdie can get so much bad press, one can get caught using its help.

is edubirdie safe

EduBirdie Plagiarism Checker

Edu Birdie seems to be determined to make good on its promise of plagiarism free papers. To emphasize its resolute stance on stolen materials, the company has created an anti-plagiarism tool. Even though one cannot download the free online software by EduBirdie, it can be used fairly effectively to scan a paper and check what is wrong with it plagiarism-wise. Does the company itself do a good job avoiding copied materials? I had used commercial software to test the paper I bought and discovered that it was completely unique. Reddit reviews also indicate that the company provides legit and original writings.

Couple More Questions about EduBirdie

Does EduBirdie work as promised?

Edu Birdie actually works: you can go right now and order homework help there. How it delivers on its promise of quality writing is another matter altogether. Those who don’t care about grades that much and have enough money to spare can find the company quite useful. Others are advised to look for cheaper and better services.

Is a reliable source of college papers?

Edu Birdie does not stand out among its competitors in terms of service quality. Given that the papers sold by the company are poorly written, it cannot be deemed reliable by any stretch of imagination.

Edu Birdie Rating

EduBirdie and similar writing agencies are extraordinarily good at attracting customers. However, when it comes to retaining clients, they fare poorly. Why? Because customers are motivated by prices and quality. If both are unsatisfactory, they leave. I, for one, would never return to the company again. Given the agency’s numerous downsides, it is rated at 3.5 out of 5. To sum up, good quality help is rare; substandard websites like EduBirdie are everywhere. Be cautious!

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